Monday, January 21, 2013

Curacao, Pronounced Cure-ah-SEW

It was really good to get off the ship today and to feel terra firma once more. Our cabin on the ship is way forward, which means we are feeling every little swell and bump in the seas, and believe me, there have been lots of them so far. We have asked to move cabins, but I doubt that will happen. This is truly turning out to be more of an adventure than I had first thought.
Curacao is an island 35 miles off the coast of Venezuela, smack dab in the Caribbean. It is part of the Dutch West Indies, which makes for interesting architecture and even more interesting dialects. We did not have an excursion planned, choosing to walk around the town on our own. One of the first things that struck me was how buxom many of the women were, with back-ends to match. Even the mannequins in the stores were big breasted/big bottomed! (A nice change from the skinny minnies we see at home.)
There was the typical assortment of handicrafts/paintings/jewellery being sold by street vendors. They were very unaggressive and took ‘no’ very well. Steve bought some socks and I bought a sundress, which I put on immediately as the temperature was over 30 degrees. I think I will be wearing it a lot, as for some odd reason, I bought more pants and sweaters than I will ever need. I guess I should have looked at the atlas before I packed.
We arrived back onboard ship about 6:30 p.m. and have enough time for a little rest before we get ready for the show and dinner. The show tonight is a local performance of Caribbean Song and Dance. One of us is looking very forward to seeing it. The other one not so much.

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