Friday, January 18, 2013

Battling the Ups and Downs

A very rough night at sea last night, at least for these two landlubbers! It was climbing a hill when we left dinner last night and headed for our cabin. We are situated near the front of the boat (forward) on the starboard side. I don't know if location makes any difference, but we can feel every swell and every shudder the ship makes. But, it has calmed down somewhat and everyone is looking a little happier. I wonder what will happen when we round the Cape....which I have read is the sailor's equivalent to climbing Mount Everest. Lets load in the gravol.

I took my first keyboard lesson today. It is getting me excited about music. The music room is open 24 hours a day and is available to anyone who wants to use it. I think I might make good use of it.

Tonight is Formal Night....tuxes and fancy dresses. It's like playing dress up as a child. It's lots of fun but it's a good thing is not for real. Tomorrow we dock in Grand Cayman....home of pirates of old (think Bluebeard and Drake) and pirates of today (think of some of CEOs who have absconded there with millions in shareholders investments.) I think a beach day just might be in the works.

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