Friday, January 25, 2013

It's Friday.....And We're Going through the Canal


Since early this morning, we have been transiting through the Panama Canal. We’ve gone through a series of locks, being pulled through by trains. A huge Costa ship was beside us as we went into the ‘down’ locks, giving us a good look and a good reference point for how the locks work. We’ve had lots of lectures and commentary about the building of the Panama Canal, and politics aside, it was truly an engineering marvel. The biodiversity on this small isthmus is unparalleled in the world. I think I heard one lecturer say more than 170 bird species is to be found on one small island in the canal!

Last night was formal night onboard ship and we enjoyed a Crystal Society cocktail party before dinner. The Crystal Society is made up of people who have made more than one voyage onboard a Crystal ship. They recognized three women last night who had made 97, 102 and an incredible 287 voyages respectively. Wow. The woman who has 287 voyages under her belt is an Asian woman who basically lives onboard ship. She brings her entire family onboard over the Christmas season. I would hate to think what her shipboard charges are!
Dinner last night was a French Dinner....escargots, French onion soup, and lots of other culinary treats. Steve had lamb chops and I had lemon sole. Of course, a Grand Marnier soufflé was the perfect way to end dinner.
And if only then I would have gone straight to bed. But, no, I thought I would drop into the casino and try my luck with craps. So far, I was up by about $130 since we boarded the ship. Now, I am down an even $100.....and it didn’t take very long to get there, either! Steve played the penny slots and made a respectable $100 profit.
We are in Panama City tomorrow and have an excursion planned. It should be interesting. We have met a couple....he is German and she is from Montana...who are coming on the excursion with us.
Life continues to be good onboard ship as we head into the waters of the Pacific.

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